Our team is in the process of developing an app that will record lectures, convert them to text files, then utilizes our custom built AnnoteAI chatbot, which will read through your lectures and can help you study for exams or quizzes. AnnoteAI can help you with homework, but will never directly give you answers. If you are looking for a tool to help you cheat, we request that you look elsewhere. AnnoteAI will not be used to cheat in school, as it is a tool that students may use to help them study. Any misuse of our software, or any sort encouragement of Academic Dishonesty is taken very seriously by our team; so, your account will be suspended, or even banned completely if Academic Dishonesty is brought to our attention.
With the large amount of news pertaining to Artificial Intelligence, we came up with a goal. After attending only a few college classes we have come to realize that the support system that is in place for highschool is significantly higher than the support in college. Our app is an all-in-one solution to this issue. In fact, we have built an amazing app, but to be honest... a terrible business. We don't utilize the same methods as the other mobile apps, where you are required to pay a monthly fee to even use the app. We have premium features that you can unlock, but we will not ever force you to buy them. You are more than welcome to use what we have to offer without ever having to pay a dime, yet still receive value from our application. Our platform is used to help educate a group of students, who we feel have been neglected otherwise. For those who are struggling to keep up with their professors, or just can't understand them, we are here to help you succeed.
Contact Information
We are a modern company, and modernism is all about changing things up. We know our target audience well, so we fit their needs as we see fit. By clicking the button below, you will be invited to our Discord server. Believe it or not, our team communicates primarily through discord via the same server. If you're feeling adventurous and would like to try it out, give it a shot: you'll never know if you never give it a trial run! We are building a community based around this Discord server and we encourage you to become apart of it.
This app would not even be in production, if it weren't for our amazing students that contribute useful information, and their long-lasting support. We appreciate you even just taking the time to read through these categories, and we hope to see you succeed in these important years of your life. College isn't easy, but with a little help, we can most definitely take a bit of stress off of your plate. By clicking the button below, you can view our Kickstarter page. We are grateful to our supporters, and love each and every one of you!